Saipan, CNMI – On March 21, as part of its celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the Northern Marianas Judiciary, the Supreme Court, along with the Judiciary Historical Society, and with help from Northern Marianas College, will host the inaugural Covenant Day Konbetsasion: “Understanding the Covenant.”
The panel discussion will focus on broadening understanding of the visions and goals that shaped the process that formed the Commonwealth and its relationship with the United States. Notable panelists participating in the discussion will include Mr. Pedro A. Tenorio and Mr. Manuel A. Sablan, members of the Marianas Political Status Commission who negotiated and signed the Covenant, as well as Superior Court Judge Lillian A. Tenorio, and Assistant Attorney General Rellani B. Ogumoro. The discussion will be moderated by NMC President Dr. Galvin S. Deleon Guerrero.
The public is invited to join the Judiciary at the Guma’ Hustisia from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. The event will be livestreamed on the Judiciary website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. A recording of the event will be produced by Northern Marianas College.
The event is free and open to the public, with opportunities to pose questions to the panelists. All are encouraged to attend and take part in the discussion. Seating is limited.
Information on celebrations of the Judiciary’s 35th Anniversary taking place throughout the year can be found at