The Budget and Finance Office (BAFO) is responsible of all financial matters in the Judiciary. The BAFO provides cashiering services for not only the Judiciary, but also welcome payments from other government agencies. The BAFO also tracks, collects and disburses fiduciary funds (child support, bail, restitution, probate funds, civil jury funds, and other third-party funds per court orders). The BAFO is responsible of monitoring and certifying all Judiciary local and federal expenditures as well as processes invoices disbursing the payments. The BAFO also assists
The Clerk of the Superior Court in reconciling orders for the status of payments to court-appointed counsel, experts, and members of the jury and
The Chief Probation Officer in reconciling restitution amounts and probationer payee information.
John Villagomez
Budget and Finance Director
Evelyn Calvo
Accountant II
Shanna Flores
Accountant II